Christina Aldan (2)-1

Christina Aldan, a brand strategy consultant, keynote speaker, trainer, and mentor. She offers businesses brand consulting and creative content for everyday media. With over 18 years of experience in the digital realm, Christina is highly regarded for her approach to business, partnering with clients to find unique strategies that ensure their goals are met. Christina builds connections through her keynote addresses, training workshops, and technological education. She uses these tools to help individuals and businesses cultivate value in everyday media. Christina has delivered talks on all 7 continents, presenting training workshops for the Microsoft MVP community, international corporations, and conferences worldwide. Christina uses her charisma and expertise to inspire others by mentoring women in business like herself. She also has sat on state and local boards supporting women in tech, entrepreneurship, mental health, and children with learning disabilities.
She is the recipient of the Las Vegas Women in Tech Community Service Award, the Distinguished Woman of the Year Award in STEM.




Are you ready to explore leadership from one of the galaxy's most badass Jedi Padawans?

Christina Aldan learned first-hand how embodying the character of Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi Padawan from the Star Wars universe, helped her understand essential leadership principles.

Ahsoka's courage, compassion, and resilience have inspired countless fans around the world.

Drawing from her personal experience playing the Ahsoka Tano character on the Las Vegas Strip, Christina shares practical insights on how to apply Ahsoka's leadership traits in the real world.

Audience members can expect to learn how to embrace change, foster growth, and empower others to reach their full potential (all while staying true to core values and individual purpose).

We invite you to grab your lightsaber and join Christina on a journey through a galaxy far, far away to discover the timeless wisdom of one of Star Wars' most fierce warriors.

Top 3 Audience Takeaways:

  1. 1. Apply Ahsoka Tano's leadership traits in the real world
  2. 2. Leverage Ahsoka Tano's traits to navigate challenging situations
  3. 3. Learn ways to embrace change (and inspire others in the process too)



Mastering mental well-being in today's competitive workplace is a learned art.

Although workplace stress is a constant, we have the capacity to nurture Emotional Intelligence (EQ) to effectively manage our state of mind.

By practicing EQ, we can pinpoint and eliminate stress triggers from our lives and Christina Aldan will help you learn effective and efficient strategies to support your ongoing success.

Would you agree that developing self-awareness and empathy towards others not only bolsters personal and professional relationships but also enables deeper connections?

Join Aldan for an interactive experience that invites you to discover five essential strategies for cultivating Emotional Intelligence in your professional (and personal) life.

Top 3 Audience Takeaways:

  1. 1. Discover how to leverage emotional intelligence - the lever for activating positive change
  2. 2. Learn the core elements of emotional intelligence
  3. 3. Hear ways to cultivate and implement emotional intelligence in your workplace



Tired of feeling overwhelmed because of overcommitments? Christina Aldan, a recovering “People Pleaser,” understands the harm and unrest saying “yes” too often brings.

In this keynote, participants are introduced to concepts that support the importance of recognizing why some people resist saying “no” (and how saying no when needed benefits you too).

This high-energy experience presents strategies to apply immediately with the goal being to reach desired results in business (and life).

Discover innovative ways to re-train your mind to accept invitations that propel vs. halt progress.

Top 3 Audience Takeaways:

  1. 1. Master the art of the unapologetic “No”
  2. 2. Gain strategies designed to empower skills practice
  3. 3. Learn tried-and-true communication phrases




"Riveting presentation by Christina at #EWFUSA22 on how to say no! Watching her present was like attending a masterclass (I literally threw away the script for my own talk after her session). Can't recommend highly enough. I'll be following her work closely and looking for any and all upcoming opportunities to learn from her in the future."

- Alexa Koenig | Adjunct Professor, UC Berkeley School of Law; Co-Faculty Director, Human Rights Center  



Employee Engagement


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